Explore the Community


Conservation Projects

Taking Care of Our Oceans







Dolphin Heros 

Dolphin Researchers, Trainers, and Others








Aquariums Where Dolphins Live







Research Programs

Studying the most fascinating creatures in the sea







Activist Groups

Fighting for Dolphins








The Heated World of Disagreement About Dolphins






The wonderful and wild world of fighting for the Dolphins

The dolphin community holds some of the most differing views of any community in the world. Sometimes two people, both fighting their hardest to do what they believe is the best thing for dolphins, take very opposite points of view.

As a result, policies around dolphins are a host to some very heated debate. The biggest issue is whether or not it is reasonable to keep dolphins in captivity, but other policies and issues are also hotly debated.

One of the goals of the Delphinidae project to offer a place to bridge the gap in the community by providing a place where ideas can be shared in a way that minimizes inflammatory rhetoric.

As we reach future phases of site development, we will begin opening the door to visitor feedback which will start the process of developing the mechanisms to share ideas.