Everything Dolphin

This site is dedicated to everyone in the delphinidae family. Usually collections of resources that expand outside of a couple of dolphin species try to include everything in the infraorder Cetacea. It is our hope that by focusing on delphinidae, we can better present an in depth set of information on this site about these amazing creatures.


Photo by Delphinidae: Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike


On this site you will soon find information about all the known species of dolphin, the anatomy of dolphins, and even news about dolphin research and other related programs.


Photo from  –  Eckerd College –  Creative Commons Attribution 

Photo from  –  Reinhard Link  –  Ceative Commons Attribution Share Alike


Dolphins capture the imagination and attract a wide range of personalities from a vast range of backgrounds. As such, this often creates controversy within the dolphin community. It is our desire to provide a place where information about dolphins can be shared in a way that will be recive by a wide range of personal views. 


More About Us


At Delphinidae, we believe in the proper care of both captive and free dolphins, and in the programs that support research that allows us a better understanding of how to care for both the dolphins and our oceans, and just as importantly, inspires the next generation to do the same.

Content in development

This site will feature the following types of content


A comprehensive list of species within delphinidae with complete descriptions for each.

About Dolphins

Anatomy, ecology, and habbitat, as well as behaviors and other interesting facts about dolphins will be explained in this section of the site.


Research programs will be featured here, as well as what we already know and what is currently being explored.


In addition to original articles, news and recent articles from around the web will be aggregated here.

In the future

Once the above content is mostly completed, we will begin working on the following.

Meet a Dolphin

A list of specific dolphins and where you can meet them! It will include stories and information about individual dolphins.


Cover photo Creative Commons Attribution taken by Ed Dunens